Swiftpro badge printing solutions offer overt and covert security features for granting and restricting access to high-security government establishments. Swiftpro ID card printers also allow personalized automated access control and dual authentication for secure login onto networks.
NCS⁴ Conference & Exhibition
Thank you to those who attended the NCS⁴ Conference June 27-29, where we showed the NEW Swiftpro IP Printer. We demonstrated the remote printing capabilities of this printer, with applications such as HR offices, campus ID offices, bank card replacement, or driver license printing from one room to another site.
K60 & Laminate Stock Levels
Two announcements for those ordering the K60 printer or custom laminate:
Great news: our stock levels of the K60 are rebounding after fulfilling a number of large orders!
Reminder: Please be aware that lead times on new custom laminate orders are still running slightly long. Please plan accordingly for your projects.
Plan for GSX with a Promo Code
Plan ahead for GSX in September with this promo code. Save $50 off registration with Promo Code: EV316
Swiftpro will see you at Booth #4359 on September 11-13, 2023 in Dallas, TX.