Swiftpro ID card printers are used by markets ranging from the medical industry to corporations to financial institutions and the educational field to provide on-site card printing and personalization. With these on-site ID printers, card programs can be implemented to offer contactless physical access, use of monetary funds, and off-site telework.
Pairing a Swiftpro laminator with your on-site card printing process is an instant way to enhance durability and security for your cards. Lamination deters tampering and altering of cards, and adds a protective barrier against the elements. Compare these lamination options to find the best protection for your needs:
Patch Laminate
Clear patch laminate is used in conjunction with a laminator. Using heat and pressure, a polyester film is fixed to the card. This patch laminate, or overlaminate, offers a layer of protection over printed cards.
Pros and Cons
Patch laminate is thicker than full laminate, and thus more durable. At 1 mil thick, clear patch laminate is the highest density of laminate available. Unlike full laminate, the coverage doesn’t reach to the edge of the card.
Clear patch laminate offers a card that’s longer-lasting and protected from fading and wear over time. The clear patch material is also tamper-resistant, adding security to the card.
Thin Film
Thin film overlamination applies a film layer to your plastic cards with the use of a laminator. With thin film lamination, the extra layer offers added durability and a barrier against wear and tear.
Pros and Cons
Thin film measures at .25 mil thickness, for a medium durability and medium security offering.
Thin film is a great choice for card programs requiring medium tamper-resistant security and a medium lifespan.
Dual InTM
Dual InTM uses a thermal bonding process to apply images and text to retransfer film, then applies the film to the PVC card.
Pros and Cons
Dual InTM retransfer film offers highly durable printed card images on PVC cards. Dual InTM film offers a printing capacity of 1000 ID cards per roll.
The Dual InTM retransfer process yields a crisp, high-resolution print, offering higher security and better quality than a traditional dye-sublimation printing process.
At Swiftpro, we offer a range of high-quality ID printers and laminators for your card programs, from compact and single-sided to double-sided and more. Contact us to discuss your needs and design a security program for your business.